Twin Sisters Olivine
Twin Sisters Olivine boast a very high grade forsterite content mined in the state of Washington and sized to your requirements. This company is part of the Millbank Group since it was established in 2012.
Olivine Sand has also been referred to as Dunite or Forsterite sands. It is has a wide variety of uses from the foundry industry to the environmental field.
CO2 Absorption
Olivine has always been nature's solution for eliminating CO2 from our air. Since the world began, Olivine has been absorbing CO2 and locking it away to keep the natural balance the Earth needs to survive.
1 Ton of olivine exposed to weather will absorb 1.25 Tons of CO2
For more information on Olivine Sand
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Olivine is ideal for molds exposed to high temperatures and low uniform thermal expansion. Commonly used as a molding sand in metals casting and a component in refractory lining of combustion chambers.
Other uses
- Sand blast media
- Fluid bed material
- Steel mill aggregate
- Water treatment facilities